As a small token of appreciation , the team in Gibraltar, led by our incredibly resourceful interns no less, have created a video to thank the Gibraltar Health Authority for all the fantastic work they have been doing for the community over the past year during these extremely testing and stressful times .

Although there’s still a lot of ongoing support and care to help the citizens of Gibraltar navigate through this crisis , there are now no active cases of Covid-19 in Gibraltar’s resident population, meaning a Covid free population- whoop whoop!
This commemoration was led by one of our creative interns, Viktor Zelikov, who is currently studying at the University of Gibraltar. Needless to say, he’s also actively involved with team VISU.AL when not studying – a brilliant effort . We must also thanks the Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation for allowing us to use local clips in the production of the video- Thank you GBC!
We thought it would be timely to share this Thank You GHA video , to share our gratitude for the superb work of all the health and public health professional working under the GHA umbrella to support the successful role out of the vaccination programme , enabling Gibraltar to reach this milestone .
Here’s to a better 2021 for all as we reflect on the past year whilst remembering the great work carried out by the GHA – Thank You 🙏🙏🙏